Is Your Teen Struggling with any of these behaviors:
- Sadness or Anxiety
- Difficulty making friends
- Peer pressure and risky behaviors (drugs, alcohol, sex, running away)
- Backtalk and disrespect
- Disobeying the house rules
- Anger or Depression
If so, it is time to get a professional opinion – and some relief.
You see moving from the teen years to adulthood is tricky and can cause even the best and most secure parents to worry.
Let our Teen Experts meet with you and your family and see how she might be able to help your find more peace in your family – for you and your teen.
Teens can also struggle when there have been issues in the family – such as divorce or death.
We also find that parents struggle too when their teen is hurting so our teen therapists also work with the parents – and at times the whole family – to help you get back to enjoying each other. Your happiness and peace of mind are our mission.
A lot is at stake – you know that. Please don’t wait one more day. Please give us a call at (949) 393-8662 and we’ll get you started with your first appointment.